First race of 2017 and I almost sh*t my pants

Ambassador - info below ++ ICEBREAKER INDOOR MARATHON 1/29/17 My last race was in November 2016 and I enjoyed every minute of my "off season". Off season = mostly 70.3 training and less focus on high mileage. It was all about brick workouts and gaining my endurance back on the bike and swim. It wasn't until the new year that I realized I had not done any runs over 13.1 miles. I was so used to racing every month and not having to keep up with my long runs. The frigid Wisconsin weather didn't help at all either. I love running in cold temps but attempting 15+ miles out on ice, slush, mounds of snow and -25F wind chill temps don't mix well. I had to focus on time on feet training vs mileage training. Several 3 hour runs still didn't feel like I'd done enough! But race weekend was here and it was time to test out my training so far. I was hoping all those hours on the bike and the brick workouts would somehow carry over to marathon...