Chafing the Dream

Judging by the way I've been feeling and moving around (slooowly), one would assume I had one helluva rager weekend. And in a way, it was. But this one included camping, running and one sharp medal (literally). It was the Ragnar Northwoods. It was everything that I thought it would be -- no sleep and madness. Alright, maybe it was due to lack of sleep that made it seem like madness. I drove in and dropped my gear off before driving up another 3 miles ahead to park my car in a field. Once I took the shuttle back, I met up with my teammates (who were awesome enough to carry my gear to the campsite!). I only knew our captain but I have to admit, he did a great job of recruiting a wonderful group of runners. After we cheered on our first runner, I decided to grab some dinner. I was the last runner and wanted to get those last minute carbs in before my leg started. I wandered around the village and got lost amongst...