Chicago Marathon 2016

My biggest concern about Chicago was that it was a road race; I'm a trail runner. Even if you put me on a paved road, I will make my way to the side and run on gravel/grass/dirt. My other concern was how my ITB would hold up after my 50M a few weeks ago. When I last ran Chicago in 2014, I had so many injuries with ITB flare up being one of them that I was worried about running this one injury free. About a 2 weeks before the race, I realized I should have added more road running to my training... I treated myself to room at the Congress hotel, which I knew was near the start/finish. What I didn't realize was that it was right across the street! What a treat after my last experience where I got up at 3am to catch multiple trains and walking in the dark/cold just to get to the start line. I highly recommend saving up some moola to treat yourself to a hotel right near the start/finish in Chicago. I'd also reserved my parking through Park Whiz near the ...