Power of powering through with running friends... Icebox 480

I was on my 3rd lap of the 7 mile loop and as I was trying divert my attention to anything else so as to forget about the tiredness in my legs at the time. I thought "Well, this should be a very boring race recap. Not even blog worthy... Captioned: I ran 7 miles over and over again and it hurt." But by the end of that lap, I was in a much better place. Last year's race. Loved it so much I came back! I arrived early on race day for packet pick-up and to get closer parking than I had last year. It was dark and the handful of people there were wearing headlamps. After grabbing my bib and bag, I sat and warmed up in the car for awhile -- and charging my Garmin that I'd left in the car overnight. After 45 min or so, I grudgingly exited my toasty car (no, I didn't run it that long but it was warmer than outside!), grabbed my gear bag and headed to the main aid station area. This is what I enjoy about loop races -- I have access to my gear after each lap. ...