5 Stages Of an Injured Runner (Athlete)

Before I get into the blog, please realize I'm not lessening the pain of actual loss & grief of a loved one. I've lost close ones and this isn't to poke fun at that process. But I also believe that to an athlete, an injury is a serious process as well. It's painful and the future is unknown. And these stages are real. After running marathons & ultras (peppered with small races) each month, my body gave out in Oct. I made it through the Chicago Marathon but it was too late for me recover "smartly". My body had had enough. I didn't recover after my previous races; I wanted to prove that I can go-go-go!! I took a full week off after Chicago and on my first run, I pushed myself (again) and tried to work on speed. That was it. My knee gave out, ITB screamed and I was forced to limp back to my car. I figured that was fine... I'll be back in a day or two. Like before. But seriously, that was it. The 5 stages of loss and grief* 1...