Is anyone else just exhausted?

At first I thought "I hate airing any type of laundry for public to see..." but this is real life.
I am exhausted. Do you know the ingredients for making someone go crazy?
1) Do not listen to that person.
2) Make that person repeat themselves repeatedly.
3) Repeat 1 and 2 a few more time. In fact, do it 10 times minimum. EVERY DAY.
4). When said person finally loses it and starts screaming what they had said originally, call him/her (me) crazy and continue with 1 and 2.
I am so tired. Beyond exhausted - it's mentally and physically exhausting. As a mom of a pre-teen and 2 very stubborn girls (which, I admit, they got from me). As an employee who keeps getting pushed out and over. As a supposed family member who has been sho
wn to not be an important part of their lives (for most, not all).

By my admissions, you'd think I'm a weakling who can't stand up for herself. But in fact, it's the opposite... I fight to make sure my kids don't grow up to be spoiled brats who think rules don't apply, even if it makes me the unpopular mom. I fight for my right to be treated equally as an employee and for my right to be happy despite what my siblings think of me.
You choose your battles but some are non-negotiable. I am tired and it's ok to admit that. I felt defeated as I sat in my car and cried before heading back inside my house -- and that's ok too.
Please tell me you feel the same way too sometimes.
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