Is anyone else just exhausted?

Can we just be real here? With so many people getting offended on social media these days and having unwritten "rules" on what you can/should/must post, I decided to come here. At first I thought "I hate airing any type of laundry for public to see..." but this is real life. I am exhausted. Do you know the ingredients for making someone go crazy? 1) Do not listen to that person. 2) Make that person repeat themselves repeatedly. 3) Repeat 1 and 2 a few more time. In fact, do it 10 times minimum. EVERY DAY. 4). When said person finally loses it and starts screaming what they had said originally, call him/her (me) crazy and continue with 1 and 2. I am so tired. Beyond exhausted - it's mentally and physically exhausting. As a mom of a pre-teen and 2 very stubborn girls (which, I admit, they got from me). As an employee who keeps getting pushed out and over. As a supposed family member who has been sho wn to not be an important part of their lives (for mo...